801 S. 74th Street-Belleville, ILlinois

2024 Swim Team Schedule

​June 11th. Away @ Freeburg

June 13th. Home vs. Highland

June 18th. Away @ Hilltoppers

June 20th. Away @ St. Clair

June 25th. Home vs. Stingrays

June 27th. Home vs. O'Fallon

July 9th. Home vs Trenton

July 11th. Make up Date - TBD

July 16th. Make up Date - TBD

July 20th. Midwest Swim Conference

July 23rd. End of Season Banquet

Practic​e Schedule

Dorchester Dolphins

2024 Swim Team


You're invited to be a part of the

Dorchester Dolphins SwimTeam!

If you can swim one length of the pool free-style

and want to have fun, meet new friends

and be a part of a spirited and growing team, 

then sign up to be a Dorchester Dolphin!

2024 Registration Dates

April 16th : 5:30pm - 8:00pm @ Dorchester

April 24th : 5:30pm - 8:00pm @ Dorchester

May 2: 5:30pm-8:00pm @ Dorchester 

Coaches - Emily Drabick and Eli Leibman

Practice Schedule

Silver Group - 8:00am - 9:15am
Blue group - 9:15am - 10:15am
White Group - 10:15am - 11:00am

Swim Team Fees

Dorchester Member- $75.00

Non Member- $150.00

$125.00 refundable deposit if work requirements are met- more details on this upon signup. Please pay this by check so that it is easily returnable at the banquet.

If you have any questions, please contact

​Tracey Pawloski

